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Stacy Keibler Announces Pregnancy

Mara Hyman |
March 24, 2014 | 11:32 a.m. PDT

Associate Entertainment Editor

Congrats to Stacy Keibler on her pregnancy! Keibler, 34, announced the news to People Magazine, saying, "More blessings!! We're an elated family-to-be!"

This announcement follows the news of her wedding just a few weeks prior to tech entrepreneur Jared Pobre. Perhaps this suggests that Keibler was pregnant before getting married, and timed out the announcement afterward.

The couple's marriage, combined with the announcement that they're expecting her first child, may seem very quick to some, given her long-term and high profile relationship with George Clooney which only ended last summer. Nevertheles, she seems very happy with her new man, who she knew for several years prior to dating Clooney.

If it seems like several celebs have been announcing pregnancies lately, you're right. After revealing their engagement in February, Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher recently announced that they're expecting. See a pattern here?

READ MORE: Mila Kunis Is Pregnant

Keibler also broke the news this morning on Instagram with a picture of a bun in an oven, writing, "Look what we've got cooking! A Bun'dle of love!" Adorable pun, Keibler.

For more information check out EOnline's coverage of this story here.

Reach Associate Entertainment Editor Mara Hyman here. Follow her on Twitter here.



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