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Ron Paul Says Crimea Should Join Russia

Kristy Plaza |
March 15, 2014 | 6:37 p.m. PDT

Executive Producer

Former congressman Ron Paul said on Saturday Crimea should break away and join Russia, according to The Daily Beast

Ron Paul (Facebook/Ron Paul 2016)
Ron Paul (Facebook/Ron Paul 2016)

Paul says the Crimean people have the right to become one with Moscow and making sanctions against Russia is "an act of war. Paul says the sanctions are horrible, not helping the situation between Russia and Crimea. 

Paul says the U.S. has engineered a coup in Kiev, against the Yanukovych goverment. For this reason, Paul says Crimea shouldn't secede from Kiev.

On Sunday, Crimeans will be a vote on a referendum if they will align with Moscow or secede, according to The Guardian. U.S. and E.U. leaders said this has no legal basis. 

READ MORE: 50,000 Dather In Moscow Rally

Paul says Russia has a more justified reason for involving in Crimea than the U.S. Neither Russia or the U.S. should keep Crimeans from voting- they need to exercise their right to vote. 

"Now we are getting involved with the Europeans in trying to change the goernment of Ukraine. Now we are likely to give money to Ukraine so they can pay their bills to Russia," Paul says. 


Reach Executive Producer Kristy Plaza here. Follow her on Twitter here



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