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Michigan Gay Marriage Ban Overturned

Colin Hale |
March 21, 2014 | 3:55 p.m. PDT

Associate News Editor

Gay marriage supporters outside U.S. Federal Court in Michigan/via Twitter @ShawnLeyLive
Gay marriage supporters outside U.S. Federal Court in Michigan/via Twitter @ShawnLeyLive
Labeled a "historic ruling" for the state of Michigan and the gay rights movement in the United States, a federal judge struck down the state's ban on same-sex marriage.

U.S. District Judge Bernard Friedman's decision on Friday makes Michigan the 18th state in the country to allow gay marriage

In response, Michigan's Attorney General, Bill Schuette, filed an emergency request for stay, which would prevent marriages from taking place until the state could appeal the federal court's decision.

"Today's decision is a step in that direction," Friedman said in his ruling, and "affirms the enduring principle that regardless of whoever finds favor in the eyes of the most recent majority, the guarantee of equal protection must prevail."

In 2004, voters in Michigan approved a ballot initiative that defined marriage as only between a man and a woman.

Read more about the overturning of Michigan's gay marriage ban at the Detroit Free Press and New York Times.

Reach Associate News Editor Colin Hale here. Follow him on Twitter.



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