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Chinese Satellites Discover Object In Hunt For Missing Jet

Will Federman |
March 22, 2014 | 8:51 a.m. PDT

Associate News Editor

Chinese satellite imagery might be a piece of floating debris from missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370. (Photo/Chinese Department of Science)
Chinese satellite imagery might be a piece of floating debris from missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370. (Photo/Chinese Department of Science)

China discovered a large object via satellite in the same area of the Indian Ocean officials are scouring for evidence of missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, but Australian authorities came up empty during an initial search, according to CNN

The object is 74 feet by 43 feet and was spotted only 77 miles away from pieces of possible debris discovered by Australian officials earlier this week. 

SEE ALSO: Possible Debris Of Missing Malaysian Flight Near Australia

The latest satellite photo was captured days ago and is centered in a remote area of the southern Indian Ocean outside of commercial shipping lanes.

Malaysian authorities announced that operations on Saturday will expand to "an area of approximately 10,500 square nautical miles" as the search for missing passenger jet intensifies. Australian search officials will take Chinese satellite photos "into consideration" when operations resume on Saturday.

NASA officials also told Fox News that accumulation of possible satellite evidence has mobilized the agency to "target NASA space-based assets at the area to acquire imagery within the next few days." 

The space agency's involvement underscores the global scale of the search, as officials race to recover the Beijing-bound flight that vanished March 8 with 239 souls onboard.


Reach editor Will Federman here. Follow him on Twitter.



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