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Why You Should Read B.J. Novak's New Book

Caroline Langella |
February 26, 2014 | 3:26 p.m. PST

Executive Producer

B.J. Novak is best known for his role as Ryan on the hit TV series “The Office.” He has also had roles in films such as “Inglourious Bastards” and “Saving Mr. Banks” and has even appeared in a few episodes of “The Mindy Project.” But, what the average TV watcher may not realize is that Novak is not just an actor, but also a talented producer, director, and writer. He has written, directed, and produced episodes for “The Office” and also has produced and written for “The Mindy Project.”

Novak pushes friend Mindy Kaling's book poster aside to show off his new work (@HarvardBooks/Twitter)
Novak pushes friend Mindy Kaling's book poster aside to show off his new work (@HarvardBooks/Twitter)
Novak’s most recent endeavor is the release of his first book, which came out on February 4. Titled “One More Thing: Stories and Other Stories,” Novak’s book is a compilation of funny short stories that he has written over the years.

Each story is unique, but equally as hilarious as the one before it. What makes these short stories so interesting is that they are incredibly witty, intriguing, and even somewhat profound at times. In one story, Novak portrays a hilarious sequel to the classic children’s tale “The Tortoise and the Hare” in which the Hare asks for a rematch. Another story is about a man who designs a roller coaster based on life and observes the opinions of a group of test riders. 

While reading, it is easy to notice the careful thought that Novak put into each story. These tales are not your average comedy skit; While they may have readers rolling on the floor with laughter, they also present a clever and sometimes satirical insight to the way we live our lives. 

Novak’s book agent, among many others, is comparing the writing style of "One More Thing" to that of "Woody Allen." The New York Times praised the book, saying, “it is Mr. Novak’s gift for channeling the way we talk and think today that propels many of the funnier tales here.”

The short story style of the book makes it easy to read in short intervals. If you only have a little bit of free time, as many college students do, it is just as enjoyable to read the book one short story at a time. "One More Thing" is a book that you will first read over and over again to yourself, and then read out loud to your friends. Grab a copy as soon as you can.

You can also watch Novak's book trailer below, which features his close friend Mindy Kaling.


Reach Executive Producer Caroline Langella here. Follow her on Twitter.



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