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Syria Aid Workers Appeal To Extend 'Humanitarian Pause'

Syuzanna Petrosyan |
February 12, 2014 | 4:13 p.m. PST

Executive Producer

Destruction in Homs, Syria (Wikimedia Commons)
Destruction in Homs, Syria (Wikimedia Commons)
The United Nations has appealed to the warring factions in Syria's civil war to further extend their "humanitarian pause", which began last Friday and was set to end on Wednesday. Its purpose was to evacuate all those who wanted to leave the besieged Old City of Homs.

SEE ALSO: Syria's Civil War In Australian Suburbs

Humanitarian agencies are desperate to evacuate hundreds of civilians after the emergency operation was suspended Tuesday over logistical difficulties. Malnourished children, the elderly, the sick and injured are among those in urgent need of evacuation.

The war in Syria has claimed more than 100,000 lives since 2001 and has forced about six million people from their homes.

Read more at BBC.

Reach Executive Producer Syuzanna Petrosyan hereFollow her on Twitter.



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