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Pussy Riot Members Detained And Released In Sochi

Sarah Geisler |
February 18, 2014 | 10:14 a.m. PST

Executive Producer

Russian protests against the detainment of Pussy Riot members (Image via Wikimedia Commons).
Russian protests against the detainment of Pussy Riot members (Image via Wikimedia Commons).
After their arrest on Monday night, Russian police released two members of the female punk band Pussy Riot on Tuesday morning in Sochi. The two women, Maria Alyokhina and Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, were accused of a theft at their hotel while at the Winter Olympics Games. After their release, the women donned their infamous ski masks and sang a protest song, “Putin Will Teach You to Love the Motherland,” while running down the street. 

SEE ALSO: Pussy Riot One Year After 'The Punk Player'

Alyokhina and Tolokonnikova previously made headlines for their arrest and two year imprisonment after a protest their band staged at a Russian Orthodox cathedral. They were convicted of hooliganism, and were released from jail in December.

SEE ALSO: Pussy Riot Members Freed From Prison

Read more about Pussy Riot and their arrests at the BBC, CNN, and the Voice of Russia.

Reach Executive Producer Sarah Geisler here. Follow her on Twitter here



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