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Mother struck and killed when walked Her Child to School

Scarlett Zhiqi Chen |
February 11, 2014 | 12:00 p.m. PST

Executive Producer

 the intersection of Fountain Avenue and Bronson Avenue,Hollywood
the intersection of Fountain Avenue and Bronson Avenue,Hollywood

A mother was killed while she was walking her 9-year-old daughter to school early Tuesday Morning in Hollywood.

The mother was hit by a truck in a crosswalk and was pronounced dead after she was sent to the hospital. The daughter was injured, but is in stable condition in the hospital. 

According to the Los Angeles Police Department, the accident happed around 7:45 a.m. at the intersection of Fountain Avenue and Bronson Avenue.

The police are investigating the accident. It’s unknown if the driver will face any charges.  

Read more at NBC 4 and at L.A. Times

Reach Scarlett Zhiqi Chen here.



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