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Kim Pham Beating: Two Women To Face Trial

Syuzanna Petrosyan |
February 12, 2014 | 10:12 a.m. PST

Executive Producer

Santa Ana, California (Wikimedia Commons)
Santa Ana, California (Wikimedia Commons)
Following a two day testimony, Orange County Superior Judge Thomas Borris ordered Vanesa Zavala and Candace Brito to face trial on murder charges for the death of Kim Pham, the young woman fatally beaten outside of a Santa Ana nightclub last month.

The two women had earlier watched in a Westminster courtroom as both the persecution and the defense played videos of the fight and a detective parsed out the various punches and kicks.

Brito and Zavala are being held in jail in Orange County in lieu of $1 million bail.

Read more at The Los Angeles Times.

Reach Executive Producer Syuzanna Petrosyan hereFollow her on Twitter.



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