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Kid Cudi Surprises Fans With 'Satellite Flight' Album Release

Ashley Velez |
February 25, 2014 | 12:22 p.m. PST

Staff Reporter

Scott Mescudi has been very busy lately but he hasn’t let his flourishing acting career stop him from releasing new music. 

Kid Cudi surprised his fans and released his fourth studio album “Satellite Flight: The Journey to Mother Moon” at midnight on February 25th.

Cudi has been releasing intimate details about the album on Twitter for the past few months, saying that his fans could expect the album sometime in February.

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The 10-track project was originally supposed to be an EP but fans were delighted to find out in late January that it had evolved to a full-length album. 

R&B singer Raphael Saadiq lends his vocals to “Balmain Jeans” and is the only artist who is featured on “Satellite Flight”. Mr. Mescudi revealed in a sit-down interview with MTV News that the album will only be available digitally until April 29th but fans can expect a few more tracks on the physical copy.

Aside from his musical escapades, Scott Mescudi is set to appear in DreamWorks’ adaptation of “Need For Speed” which hits theaters on March 14th.

Deadline recently reported that the man on the moon will also appear in the upcoming “Entourage” movie. 

Cudi fans can now take an epic flight to the moon for $9.99 on iTunes.

Reach Staff Reporter Ashley Velez here.



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