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Jailed Ukrainian Opposition Leader Freed

Taiu Kunimoto |
February 22, 2014 | 9:55 a.m. PST

Executive Producer

The impact of Yulia Tymoshenko's release on the protest has yet to be seen (Creative Commons/Minirobot)
The impact of Yulia Tymoshenko's release on the protest has yet to be seen (Creative Commons/Minirobot)
Yulia Tymoshenko, a former Ukrainian Prime Minister and a major political rival of the current President Viktor Yanukovych, has been freed from the jail on Saturday after a round of vote in the parliament.

The vote took place hours after the current opposition leader signed a truce with President Yanukovych to terminate the anti-government protest that lasted for three months.

The parliament voting also ousted President Yanukovych and agreed on a presidential election as early as May 25.

Tymoshenko's  release was followed by the flee of President Yanukoych from the captial Kiev.

She was driven from the prison in a sea of ecstatic crowd.

Due to her poor health, she has yet to announce her return to the politics.

Read More on BBC

Tymoshenko was sentenced to a seven year imprisonment in 2011 by President Yanukovych for her abuse of office regarding the natural gas deal with Russia. Despite her constant effort to appeal against the sentence, Tymoshenko’s voices were silenced from the court. Her indefinite arrest by the Ukrainian court still remains as one of the most controversial moments in the Ukrainian history that reflected the country's judicial injustice.

Known for her signature crown braid hairstyle and fierce speech, Tymoshenko successfully led the Orange Revolution that toppled then President Yanukovych in 2004 for manipulating the election results. Yanukovych narrowly defeated her in return in the 2010 election.

Her release was one of the conditions in the EU-Ukraine trade pact that President Yanukovych rejected last year, which consequently sparked the nation-wide anti-government protest till this day.


Read More: Kiev Residents Describe Hellish Scene, City Frozen By Protest


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