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INTERVIEW: Kember Teams Up With USC Students For New Music Video

Gerri Gonzalez |
February 25, 2014 | 7:25 p.m. PST


R&B solo artist Kember has released the music video for his debut single, F.W.D. Kember is a British-American musician and a Los Angeles native who is collaborating with Grammy Award-winning producer, Rich Skillz on his new EP: “Forever We Dream.” 

“I met Rich in May of 2013 and we connected instantly,” Kember said, “We shared a similar interest in music and he invited me to a studio session.” F.W.D was born out of that studio session. Immediately, Rich asked Kember to join his independent label BORNRICH and they have since been collaborating to finish the EP. 

Higazy and Hajj (courtesy of Abdo John Hajj)
Higazy and Hajj (courtesy of Abdo John Hajj)
Kember turned to USC students Sherif Higazy and Abdo John Hajj for the music video, whom he has worked with in the past: “It was time to put visuals together for F.W.D. and we were looking for something unique and creative. The visuals in the video rival motion pictures with million dollar budgets. F.W.D is a very important song to me because it embodies exactly what every artist feels—allowing yourself to go without common necessities right now and literally living and breathing for that moment when opportunity and luck strike.”

Director Sherif Higazy and Producer Abdo John Hajj have spent the last three years building their boutique production company, Homage Arts and Productions, which they plan to officially launch over the next few months. Kember explains, “Homage Arts is a dream for any upcoming artist, their vision extends far beyond what other music video producers and directors are doing.” 

The two filmmakers pride themselves on their ability to produce conceptually ambitious music videos regardless of the budget size or challenge provided. “We were beyond excited to collaborate with Kember, his vision as a musician complemented our own at Homage.” Abdo Hajj stated, “We were all so willing to face the creative challenges that would come our way.” 

When the two approached Kember with the idea to put a boat in the desert, the major concern was budget. “It’s easy to compromise your vision when confronted with really tight budgets,” director Sherif Higazy states, “which is why working with Abdo has been so refreshing. He gets it done.”

Sherif and Abdo are quick to acknowledge the importance of their team. For example, L.A.-based photographer Sam Sulam, who has been published in several editorials including Vogue, is responsible for the cinematography. “Sam has a distinct eye, which is crucial for the look of the piece. His expertise in photography brings all our work to another level.” Sherif said. 

“When Sherif and Abdo told me we were putting a boat in the desert, I responded insisting they were out of their minds,” Sam wrote about the two filmmakers, “I’ve since learned to trust their vision. It is clear and easily conveyed to those around them.”

With HOMAGE, Sherif and Abdo are trying to break the conventions of mainstream music videos with the intention to revive an authentic cinematic quality that by no means will be compromised.

Kember is currently preparing for the release of his EP in March and you can catch him at the Viper Room in West Hollywood next month. 

Follow Homage on Twitter here. Follow Kember on Twitter here. Follow Rich Skillz on Twitter here.

Reach Contributor Gerri Gonzalez here.



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