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Garcetti Announces $670 Million Grant For Metro

Chase Peterson |
February 21, 2014 | 11:58 a.m. PST

Staff Reporter

Mayor Garcetti and Sen. Feinstein with representatives from the Metro (Chase Peterson/Neon Tommy)
Mayor Garcetti and Sen. Feinstein with representatives from the Metro (Chase Peterson/Neon Tommy)
Mayor Eric Garcetti announced a $670 million federal grant to complete the Regional Connector Project, a $1.37 billion undertaking that would “seamlessly connect” Los Angeles in a press conference Thursday.

The extension will service Little Tokyo, the Civic Center and the Arts District by connecting the Gold line originating in Pasadena to 7th St/Metro Center station.

Once completed in 2015, passengers will be able to continue on the same train all the way to the future termination of the Expo line in Santa Monica.

The blue line will extend from Long Beach to Pasadena as well.

These additions are estimated to cut 20 minutes off most commutes and attract 17,000 additional passengers. 

Garcetti made clear that this additional funding came from being “so well represented by elected officials at the federal level” including Senator Dianne Feinstein, who was also in attendance.

The Senator underscored the importance of infrastructure in a city like Los Angeles—noting how a city connected by transit connects more than just places, but people in the community as well.

Improvements to utilities servicing the new stops are already underway and the entire project is due to be completed in 2020. 

Contact Staff Reporter Chase Peterson here.



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