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Bravo Announces ‘Real Housewives’ Awards

Reid Nakamura |
February 13, 2014 | 12:14 p.m. PST

Executive Producer

The "Real Housewives" are going head-to-head. (Bravo)
The "Real Housewives" are going head-to-head. (Bravo)
Any given episode of the "Real Housewives" pits the women against each other, but Bravo is taking it to a whole new level. The network will be hosting a new awards show called The "Real Housewives" Awards, boiling the show down to it's most important element: competition.

The "Real Housewives" Awards will pick the best moments from the show and award the winners on March 23. This could be a chance for some great reaction shots and truly excellent acceptance speeches.

Fans of the franchise can vote in the following 11 categories:
Most Memorable Outfit
Most Shocking Reunion Twist
Loveliest Locks
Best Fight Locale
Rookie of the Year
Best Supporting Agitator
Party of the Year
Favorite Quote
OMG-est Moment of the Year
Outstanding Achievement in Extremely Short Form Live Action (Best GIFs)
Favorite Housewife City (vote by liking and sharing photos on Facebook)

Unfortunately, only the recent seasons have received nominations. Deserving moments and Housewives from past seasons will only be recognized in the hearts and minds of loyal viewers (Sorry, Jill Zarin).

Bravo will also bestow a Lifetime Achievement Award on one lucky housewife during a special sneak peek of “The Real Housewives of New York” on March 20. The winner will be announced by Bravo’s perennial host and resident housewife-enabler, Andy Cohen.

Voting closes on March 21 and takes place on Bravo’s website and mobile app.

Reach executive producer Reid Nakamura here.



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