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Animal Activists Sneaking Stray Dogs Out Of Sochi

Jianyu Zhao |
February 13, 2014 | 11:09 a.m. PST

Executive Producer

A street dog riding the subway. (Adam Baker/Flickr)
A street dog riding the subway. (Adam Baker/Flickr)
Dozens animal activists in Sochi have been searching for dogs from the streets and gathering them at their homes or in temporary shelters before moving the dogs out of Sochi because the city has announced to kill thousands of stray dogs for the Olympic Games.

Although Sochi has an overwhelming number of stray dogs, animal activists felt upset about the attitudes of the local governors who tend to treat dogs as lifeless objects that can be erased easily.

To rescue the stray dogs, animal activists have contacted a hundreds of ordinary volunteers and breeders who are willing to take care of those dogs.

Read the full story on Fox News.

Contact Jianyu Zhao here.



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