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Allison Williams Is Engaged

Alex Reed |
February 27, 2014 | 10:49 a.m. PST

Staff Reporter

(Tumblr, thefashioncentral)
(Tumblr, thefashioncentral)
Allison Williams could teach Marnie Michaels, her character on HBO's "Girls," a few things about love.

People reported that Williams recently got engaged to boyfriend Ricky Van Veen. The news was then confirmed by Williams’ rep Lindsay Galin.

The couple met in early 2011, while Williams was filming the pilot for “Girls,” which is now in its third season. Van Veen is the co-founder of comedy website CollegeHumor.

Their engagement also shouldn’t come as a total surprise. In a recent interview with Glamour, Williams talked about having children and managing her career.

“My goal is to create a career I can walk away from and become a mom,” Williams told the magazine in their March issue.

Reach Staff Reporter Alex Reed here.



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