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7 Perfect Moments From Jimmy Fallon's First Week On 'The Tonight Show'

Caroline Langella |
February 24, 2014 | 1:57 p.m. PST

Executive Producer

Jimmy Fallon had a fantastic first week as the new host of “The Tonight Show,” with an array of celebrity guests and musical performances. In case you missed it, here are 7 of the greatest moments from the first five episodes:

1. “History of Rap 5” with Justin Timberlake

As if begged by the audience, Timberlake and Fallon performed a fifth version of the “History of Rap.”

2. Kristen Wiig as Harry Styles

Instead of having Fallon interview her as herself, the “Bridesmaids” star Kristen Wiig was interviewed as “One Direction” member Harry Styles.

3. Brian Williams raps “Rapper’s Delight”

In a fantastic word mashup, NBC News anchor Brian Williams rapped “Rapper’s Delight” along with the help of Lester Holt and Kathie Lee Gifford.

4. Fallon wins his $100 “Tonight Show” bet

Now that he’s officially the host of “The Tonight Show,” Fallon asks his “buddy” to give him $100 for never believing in him. As it turns out, Fallon has many buddies, including stars like Robert De Niro, Tina Fey, Mariah Carey, Tracey Morgan, Kim Kardashian, Seth Rogan, Lindsey Lohan, Lady Gaga, and Stephen Colbert.

5. “The Evolution of Hip-Hop Dancing” with Will Smith

Fallon and Smith take us through the history of hip-hop dances with their smooth moves.

6.Will Ferrell figure skates to “Downton Abbey”

Although Ferrell wasn’t able to make it to Sochi, he still manages to show of his “figure skating” skills in an interpretive dance to the theme music of popular TV show “Downton Abbey.”

7. Michelle Obama on “Ew!”

The First Lady teaches the “girls” on “Ew!” about eating right and exercising. 


Tune in to “The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon” weeknights at 11:35.


Reach Executive Producer Caroline Langella here. Follow her on Twitter



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