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Ukraine Protesters Declare Eight-Hour Truce

Syuzanna Petrosyan |
January 23, 2014 | 8:56 a.m. PST

Executive Producer

Kiev, Ukraine (Wikimedia Commons)
Kiev, Ukraine (Wikimedia Commons)
After a day of violence in which at least three people died, an eight-hour truce has been declared by protesters in Kiev. The truce was announced by opposition leader and former heavyweight boxer Vitali Klitschko at midday Kiev time as negotiations between opposition leaders and President Yanukovich were expected to continue.

On Wednesday, a three-hour meeting between the opposing sides ended without a deal, intensifying violence in the capital. Opposition is demanding snap elections for the presidency. In a statement, Yanukovich said that he did not want bloodshed or use of force, but the government does not appear ready to compromise. 

Read more at Reuters.

Reach Executive Producer Syuzanna Petrosyan hereFollow her on Twitter. 



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