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UK Offers Refuge To Hundreds Of At-Risk Syrians

Michelle Bergmann |
January 29, 2014 | 11:45 a.m. PST

Executive Producer

Syrian Refugee (EU Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection/flickr)
Syrian Refugee (EU Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection/flickr)
Britain "will act with the greatest urgency" and take up to 500 hundred Syrian refugees fleeing the country's civil war. Prime Minister David Cameron announced Wednesday that the UK will establish a system to help the most at-risk displaced Syrians.

Though the government agreed to provide asylum, but will only do so without having to concede to a UN-imposed quota.

The pledge came after long debate over Britain's lack of participation in the United Nations program which aims to find 30,000 Syrian refugees homes in host countries. Pressure was also building from internal liberal democrats and humanitarian groups according to the LA Times.

The government agreed to provide emergency sanctuary in the UK to Syrians who are "particularly vulnerable", specifically referencing victims of torture and sexual violence, and women and children at-risk or in need of medical care.

"This move is long overdue," said Kate Allen of Amnesty International. "But it's never too late to do the right thing."

Home Secretary Theresa May attributed the fact that Britain has contributed approximatley $995 million in humanitarian aid to displaced Syrianns (second humanitarian donor to the United States) and given refuge to about 3,500 individual asylum seekers since the civil war started.

However, up until today, there has been pressure on the UK to offer refuge, not just charity.

Currently their are over 2.5 million Syrian refugees taking refuge in host counties or within Syria.

Read more at BBC News

Reach Executive Producer Michelle Bergmann by email or follow her on Twitter




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