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LA Wildfire Destroys 2 Homes, Burns 1,700 Acres

Colin Hale |
January 16, 2014 | 1:55 p.m. PST

Executive Producer

A Santa Ana wind-fueled wildfire that was deliberately set Thursday morning near Los Angeles has spread to over 1,700 acres and destroyed at least two homes.

The Colby Fire started at the edge of the Angeles National Forest near Glendora, a suburb of Los Angeles.  Santa Ana winds allowed the fire to quickly spread from a campsite, where officials believe the fire began, into the wilderness above Glendora and parts of Azusa.

Suspects in the Colby Fire/via Twitter @myfoxla
Suspects in the Colby Fire/via Twitter @myfoxla
The three suspects, identified as Clifford Eugene Henry, Jonathan Carl Jarrell, and Steven Robert Aguirre, were taken into custody suspected of "recklessly starting" the campfire that became out of control due to the high winds.

So far, two homes have been destroyed. Several area schools, including Citrus College, are closed.

View photos from the Colby Fire at the Los Angeles Times.  Read more about the Colby Fire at the Los Angeles Times and Reuters.

Reach Executive Producer Colin Hale here. Follow him on Twitter.



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