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LA Teachers Call For 17.6% Increase In Salaries

Shilpa Nagesh |
January 17, 2014 | 2:35 p.m. PST

Executive Producer

Warren Fletcher, UTLA President (twitter.com/latimescitygov)
Warren Fletcher, UTLA President (twitter.com/latimescitygov)
2531 days and counting. That’s how long teachers in Los Angeles have been waiting to see if they will receive raises. According to officials familiar with the situation, the United Teachers Los Angeles (UTLA) is requesting for a 17.6% increase in their salaries. 

“We do not have a desire to wait hundreds more or, God forbid, thousands more. The dollars are here,” UTLA president Warren Fletcher said.

Additionally, the union wants to see improvements in school staffing and new rules protecting the rights and jobs of teachers at low-performing schools.

The good news for them is that LA schools superintendent John Deasy, supports their cause and 

Read more on the situation here. 



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