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Two Injured, Suspect Dead In Arapahoe High School Shooting

Anne Artley |
December 13, 2013 | 1:33 p.m. PST

Executive Producer

(Wikimedia Commons)
(Wikimedia Commons)
Arapahoe County sheriff Grayson Robinson said that the suspect of a high school shooting today at Arapahoe High School in Centennial, Colo. is dead from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. At least two other people were injured and one is in critical condition at the local hospital.

The incident took place at around 12:30 (Mountain Time) in the school cafeteria. Robinson said the shooter was asking for a specific teacher by name.

A student confronted the gunman and was shot. That is the one now in critical condition. 

Area schools are on lockdown, including the nearby Columbine High School, home of the infamous 1999 massacre when two students killed 13 other students and themselves. 


Denver Post reporter Ryan Parker is at the scene tweeting and taking pictures. 


Reach Executive Producer Anne Artley here



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