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Tips To Throwing Your Best Holiday Party Yet

Samantha Jacobs |
December 20, 2013 | 6:32 p.m. PST

Staff Reporter

Make a To-Do List

As soon as you decide to host a party, make a to-do list. Include everything from going grocery shopping to putting out coasters. You can add things as you continue planning and check things off once you've completed them. A to-do list will keep you organized and help gauge how much you have to do.

A to-do list will be your best friend. (Creative Commons/Flickr)
A to-do list will be your best friend. (Creative Commons/Flickr)













What better time to show off your festive inner interior designer than during the holidays? Deck your halls with lights, ornaments, candles, etc. Decorating is not only fun but your lovely aesthetics will get everyone in the holiday spirit, and bring an aura of cheer and comfort to your home. Your friends will be calling you Martha Stewart in no time. Check out some ideas for decorating here.

Decorate with some glittery gold stars. (Creative Commons/Flickr)
Decorate with some glittery gold stars. (Creative Commons/Flickr)











Prepare Food Ahead of Time

Don’t leave your cooking until the last minute. Before your party you’ll be preoccupied with getting yourself ready and taking care of last minute details, so you don’t want to be worrying about the food. The night before or even early in the morning are prime times for food preparation. You can always heat things up in the oven right before the party. And don't be afraid to be a little creative with your holiday snacks!


Holiday Snacks (Twitter/@JillianBlackman)
Holiday Snacks (Twitter/@JillianBlackman)













Have Too Much Rather Than Too Little

When stocking up on food, it’s better to go bigger. You don’t want to run out of food, drinks or supplies during the party, so prepare and buy extras. You can always eat the food as leftovers or send some home with guests, and save the extra supplies for your next soiree. 


Have an Array of Drinks

Holiday cocktails may be the obvious drink of choice for a holiday party, but don’t forget about the people at the party who may not be drinking. Be sure to have alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages available for your guests. You can get just as creative with juice, cider and tea, spiked or sans liquor. The designated-drivers and non-drinkers will thank you. 

Holiday Drink (Twitter/@FeistyFrugal)
Holiday Drink (Twitter/@FeistyFrugal)

















Make a Playlist

Are you a fan of Josh Groban’s holiday hits? How about the new Kelly Clarkson Christmas CD? Or maybe you like classics, like Bing Crosby’s “White Christmas?” Whatever your taste, mix in some holiday music. Make a playlist to play in the background throughout your party. It will get partygoers in the holiday mood and might spark some conversation about everyone's favorite holiday tunes. You can even make a Pandora playlist!


Josh Groban Christmas (Twitter/@denio_s)
Josh Groban Christmas (Twitter/@denio_s)












Remember to Enjoy Your Party!

Don’t let the stress of playing host overshadow your fun! The point of a party is to socialize and have fun, and especially during the holiday season, it’s important to spend time with the people you care about. So put on your party clothes, play some music, eat some holiday treats and enjoy the fantastic party you've planned.


Reach Samantha Jacobs hereFollow her on Twitter here.



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