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Non-Lethal Aid Taken Away From Syrian Rebels

Jillian Morabito |
December 11, 2013 | 1:01 p.m. PST

Executive Producer

One such Western-backed rebel fortress (via Twitter/@igeldard)
One such Western-backed rebel fortress (via Twitter/@igeldard)
While humanitarian aid is still lent by the United States and United Kingdom, non-lethal aid such as medicine, communication supplies, and vehicles are not

The US Embassy said that Islamist rebels may steal such supplies from the Syrian rebel bases. Thus, the nations do not want to fund jihadists that both contries do not support. 

The US is currently providing $250 million in non-lethal support, while the UK is only giving £20 million. 

The country remains in a struggle of war and offensive borders. 

Reach Executive Producer Jillian Morabito here



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