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Nelson Mandela Buried Near Family

Eric Parra |
December 15, 2013 | 3:39 p.m. PST

Executive Producer

Nelson Mandela recieved 10 days of commemoration before his burial on Sunday (creative commons)
Nelson Mandela recieved 10 days of commemoration before his burial on Sunday (creative commons)
Nelson Mandela was set to rest in a private family plot on Sunday, the last of a 10-day commemoration.

Political and religious leaders have all shared their time to pay tribute for Mandela at private burial ceremony that took place in his family’s ancestral home in Qunu. His widow, Graca Machel, and President Jacob Zuma were among those present for the traditional Xhosa burial.

BBC reported:

“The last of 10 days of commemorations for Mr Mandela began with his coffin being taken on a gun carriage from his home to a giant marquee where his portrait hung behind 95 candles - each representing a year of his life.

The coffin, draped in the South African flag, was placed beneath a lectern where speakers paid their tributes.

Some guests sang and danced to celebrate Mr Mandela's life as the service began.

After the national anthem, the service heard from a family spokesman, Chief Ngangomhlaba Matanzima, who thanked the army medical team that had treated Mr Mandela before he died.”

African National Congress members were also present for the ceremony, including several African presidents and the Prince of Wales. President Zuma, who was booed at the previous commemoration in Soweto, led the service in song before giving a funeral oration.

Read the full story here


Reach Executive Producer Eric Parra here.



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