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Hollywood Park Holds Final Races

Jillian Morabito |
December 22, 2013 | 12:56 p.m. PST

Executive Producer

The view of the stadium (via Twitter/@KennethMoultry)
The view of the stadium (via Twitter/@KennethMoultry)
After 75 years, the legacy of Hollywood Park horse racing concludes this afternoon. 

The park was opened in 1938 by Warner Brother Studio’s Jack L. Warner as a getaway for locals in the entertainment business. Prized horse Seabiscuit even won the inaugural Hollywood Gold Cup that same year. 

Since 1973, Sunday racing has become a tradition at the park. Back then, it would gather an upwards of 80,000 people for a day at the races. Now, the track only seats about 3,000 per week. 

Horse racing has been on the steady decline due to internet betting as well as the casino gambling on the rise. Additionally, the land in which the track is on is highly valuable to land developers.  

Pins are being given away today to remember the history and legacy of the treasured park. An auction and memorabilia giveaway will be held later this month. 

Reach Executive Producer Jillian Morabito here



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