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USC Leads Country In International Student Enrollment

Jillian Morabito |
November 11, 2013 | 12:33 p.m. PST

Executive Producer

VKC has a world on top of the building to symbolize diversity of the student body (via NeonTommy).
VKC has a world on top of the building to symbolize diversity of the student body (via NeonTommy).
USC remains the number one destination for foreign students for the twelfth year in a row. The university hosts 9,840 students to rank first on the list published by the Institute of International Education

University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign, Purdue University, NYU, and Columbia all round out the top five schools for international students. 

USC’s crosstown rival, UCLA, came in sixth and welcomed about 1,400 less students than USC. 

The LA Times reports that there is now a record number of foreign students currently enrolled at American colleges and universities 

America’s overall international student population increased 7% from last year. The tally of students now stands at around 820,000. 

Chinese students retain the largest number of people enrolled at around 236,000 nationwide. India, the second largest population, is only about half that amount. 

Iran, Brazil, and Kuwait all increased their number of students enrolled by 20% from the previous year. 

USC houses students from countries all around the world, with South Korea, Saudi Arabia, and Canada being the other largest groups on campus, the LA Times reports

Data also found that California is the state with the largest number of foreign students, totaling about 110,000. 

Reach Executive producer Jillian Morabito here



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