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TSA Agent Memorial Draws Hundreds To L.A. Sports Arena

Melissah Yang |
November 12, 2013 | 10:43 a.m. PST

Senior News Editor

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(Video: Pierce Larson/ATVN)

Hundreds paid their respects at a public memorial service Tuesday for fallen Transportation Security Administration (TSA) agent Gerardo Hernandez, who was killed during the November 1 shooting at Los Angeles International Airport.

READ MORE: LAX Shooting Prompts New TSA Security Measures

The memorial was held at the Los Angeles Memorial Sports Arena in Exposition Park.

TSA head John Pistole, Attorney General Eric Holder and Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti were in attendance.

Hernandez was the first TSA agent to die while on duty. Law enforcement officials identified the shooting suspect as Paul Anthony Ciancia, 23, who opened fire in Terminal 3, killing Hernandez and wounding several others.

Read more of Neon Tommy's coverage of the LAX shooting here.

Reach Senior News Editor Melissah Yang here. Follow her on Twitter @MelissahYang.



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