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Thirsty? Here, Have Some Cinnabon

Janelle Cabuco |
November 30, 2013 | 10:22 a.m. PST

Associate Food Editor

A 1.5-ounce shot of Cinnabon vodka will cost you about 150 calories (Pinnacle Vodka's Facebook page).
A 1.5-ounce shot of Cinnabon vodka will cost you about 150 calories (Pinnacle Vodka's Facebook page).
The rising trend of flavored vodkas has caused Cinnabon and Pinnacle Vodka to collaborate and create their newest flavor, Cinnabon vodka. This new flavor is set to launch on a limited basis on Dec. 1, and will launch nationwide Jan. 1. Each bottle of Cinnabon vodka will cost $12.99.

Pinnacle is the leading flavored vodka label in the United States, and is owned by Beam Inc. The alcohol is distilled in France and then exported to Beam Inc. in the United States to be flavored and bottled. Pinnacle currently comes in more than 30 flavors, including flavors such as Birthday Cake, Banana Split, and Cotton Candy. 

The trend of flavored vodkas has been on a rise within the last few years, especially among the younger generations of legal drinkers. In fact, a quarter of all the vodka bought last year was flavored.

Just a few years ago, Cinnabon relied almost completely on the sales of their fresh products, but now, they have more than 70 products sold in packages, such as Cinnabon Cream of Wheat, Cinnabon Coffee Creamer, and Cinnabon Pillsbury Toaster Strudels. 

In a press release, Pinnacle said that the new flavor will be on the sweeter side, combining decadent flavors such as cinnamon, brown sugar, vanilla, cream cheese frosting, and caramel. 

While the new flavor has been released in time for the holidays, Pinnacle plans to continue selling their Cinnabon vodka year round. 

Though it is rumored that this newest Cinnabon flavored Pinnacle vodka pairs well with Cinnabon’s actual cinnamon roll, Cinnabon's president, Kat Cole, warns consumers not to do that. Pinnacle suggests consumers to mix their Cinnabon flavored vodka with other drinks, such as hot cocoa, or to serve it on the rocks. 

Many commenters on Pinnacle Vodka’s Facebook page seem optimistic and are excited to try this new flavor. Even the negative commenters seem somewhat excited, saying that they would still like to try this new flavor even though they think it will be disgusting.

Reach Associate Food Editor Janelle Cabuco here



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