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10 Kid-Friendly Thanksgiving Crafts

Daniella Segura |
November 26, 2013 | 9:47 a.m. PST

Staff Reporter

There are plenty of Thanksgiving crafts to try with kids, like this turkey made with a toilet paper roll. (Daniella Segura / Neon Tommy)
There are plenty of Thanksgiving crafts to try with kids, like this turkey made with a toilet paper roll. (Daniella Segura / Neon Tommy)
Thanksgiving is hectic enough without finding things to occupy the kids with. Fortunately, there are plenty of crafts they can do to keep them busy while you finish prepping your meal. Below are some Thanksgiving craft ideas that will keep the kids entertained.

Turkey Toilet Paper Roll

This is a fun and easy craft for kids to work on. All you need is the following: a toilet paper roll, some construction paper, markers (or crayons), scissors, a stapler, and stick glue (or tape).  The end product is a homemade turkey decoration that can be used around the house.

Hand and Foot Turkey
The hand and foot turkey is a fun way to capture the size of a child’s hands and feet. For this craft kids will trace their hands, which will be used as the feather of the turkey, and their feet that will be used as the body of the turkey. All that is needed for this project is construction paper, scissors and glue.
Oreo Turkeys
Need some more snacks to handout on Thanksgiving? Why not have the kids make some Oreo turkeys! For this delicious project all that’s needed is: Double Stuff Oreos, small Reeses’ Peanut Butter Cups, Whoppers, Candy Corn, white frosting and black frosting. These sweet delights are sure to be a hit at any Thanksgiving feast.
Paper Bag Turkey Puppets
These paper bag turkey puppets are a quick craft that need only a few items you probably have around the house. To make the puppets you will need: paper bags, construction paper, googly eyes (optional), glue, tacky glue (optional), scissors and feathers.
Pinecone Turkey

With this craft, kids will make a decoration that is sure to be around the house for years to come. To make the decoration you will need: a pine cone, an acorn or nut in the shell, construction paper, pencil or marker, scissors glue, hot glue, clay and googly eyes.

Paper scarecrow craft. (Daniella Segura / Neon Tommy)
Paper scarecrow craft. (Daniella Segura / Neon Tommy)

Paper Scarecrow
This is an easy to make scarecrow made from construction paper. To make this scarecrow you will need the following: construction paper, pencil, glue, scissors and markers (or crayons).
Popsicle Stick Scarecrow
Unlike the previous scarecrow craft, this one is much more complicated, but at the same time gives you a Thanksgiving decoration that is likely to last longer. To make this craft you will need: popsicle sticks, yellow pipe cleaner, a sheet of brown foam, googly eyes, yellow ribbon, construction paper, glue or tape, scissors and a black marker.
Fingerprint Turkey Cards

Looking to send out cards to family, or maybe guests? Have the kids try to make these adorable fingerprint turkey cards. To make these Thanksgiving greeting cards you will need to have: blank greeting cards or cardstock, non-toxic ink pads in the colors of your choice, and markers (or crayons).
Thankful Wreath of Leaves

This wreath will work as a decoration and to remind kids to think of the things they are thankful for this year. The craft requires: plain white paper plate, construction paper, markers (or crayons), scissors and glue.
Stained Glass Leaves
This is a fun fall craft where the kids will be able to use real leaves to make decorations that can go on windows throughout the house. All you need for this craft are leaves, fall colored tissue paper and contact paper.

Reach Daniella Segura here and follow her on Twitter here.



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