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7 Los Angeles Malls Bringing Holiday Cheer To Black Friday

Caitlin Plummer |
November 19, 2013 | 3:01 p.m. PST

Staff Reporter

Festive Black Friday decorations help get shoppers into the Christmas spirit. (Creative Commons/Flickr)
Festive Black Friday decorations help get shoppers into the Christmas spirit. (Creative Commons/Flickr)
Black Friday shopping can be intimidating, especially in a city as large and diverse as Los Angeles. Don't worry, Black Friday doesn't have to be dark and dreary this year: here are seven malls that are beginning to look a lot like Christmas.


Galleria at Tyler

Select stores open: midnight

Mall opens: 5 a.m.

Why you should go: The Galleria at Tyler features a Holiday Shopping Zone that gives shoppers a chance not only to win prizes, but also to jam to holiday tunes courtesy of the Zone’s very own DJ. Every customer gets a free “Reindeer Games” scratch card with prizes ranging from Shop Etc. Mall Gifts Cards to holiday shopping bags. Plus, if you want to get a head start on those Christmas cards, Santa photos will be available for purchase.


Westfield Topanga

Select stores open: 8 p.m.

Mall opens: midnight

Why you should go: Westfield Topanga is unique because it is participating in what they call “Grey Thursday/Black Friday,” during which Sears, Target, Macy’s and The Gap open at 8 p.m. on Thanksgiving Day. Custom giftwrap is available at Macy’s and Papyrus, so exhausted shoppers (or those with limited gift-wrapping skills) can have their gifts safely disguised before returning home.


SEE ALSO: Walmart's Black Friday Hours Under Scrutiny Despite Extra Pay, Meals


The Beverly Center contains over 100 specialty boutiques for Black Friday shoppers. (Creative Commons/Flickr)
The Beverly Center contains over 100 specialty boutiques for Black Friday shoppers. (Creative Commons/Flickr)
Beverly Center

Mall opens: 8 a.m.

Why you should go: Visitors of the Beverly Center’s “Ice Throne” will be greeted by a “beautiful Ice Princess” from noon until 8 p.m. The Ice Palace, which features a 30-foot ice dome with falling snow, a light show, Santa and more, will also be in full swing. Plus, guests can take advantage of the “complimentary Black Friday self-parking” the entire day.


Baldwin Hills Crenshaw Plaza

Mall opens: midnight

Why you should go: Department stores like Macy’s and Sears are leading the Plaza with special “Doorbuster” sales. For those looking for even crazier sales, stop by California’s only three-story Wal-Mart in the Plaza.


Glendale Galleria

Mall opens: midnight

Why you should go: The Glendale Galleria is openening its 250 retail stores to Black Friday fanatics as soon as the clock hits midnight. Plus, with the recent addition of Bloomingdale’s, the variety of stores guarantees there will be something for everyone you’re shopping for. The same deal that the Galleria at Tyler offers on Santa Photos applies here, too, so order early.


The Grove's Farmers Market is also decorated for the winter season. (Creative Commons/Flickr)
The Grove's Farmers Market is also decorated for the winter season. (Creative Commons/Flickr)

The Grove

Mall opens: 8 a.m.

Why you should go: Starting this week, customers can experience “magical snowfall” every night at 7 p.m. and 8 p.m., and holiday entertainment and musical performances are regularly scheduled throughout the mall. Not to mention The Grove's 100-foot white fur Christmas tree sports more than 15,000 lights and 10,000 ornaments. Santa pictures are easily available with a visit to his cottage.


Third Street Promenade

Opening hours vary by store

Why you should go: From 2-5 p.m. (or until the goodies run out) customers have the opportunity to win passes for ICE at Santa Monica, a unique 8,000 square foot ice rink on the corner of 5th Street and Arizona Avenue. The first 40 people to prove they are fans of Downtown Santa Monica’s Facebook page are eligible for this and other gifts, discount, and cash prizes at Santa’s Goodie Booth on the 1300 block of Third Street.

So remember, before you throw down a glove over the last merchandise with a stellar deal, Black Friday can be more than a crazy night. It's the mark of the true beginning of the holiday season.


Reach Staff Reporter Caitlin Plummer here. Follow her on Twitter here.



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