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Report Finds Sandy Hook Shooter Criminally Responsible

Danielle Tarasiuk |
November 25, 2013 | 6:22 p.m. PST

Executive Producer

(Police at Sandy Hook/ Wikimedia Commons)
(Police at Sandy Hook/ Wikimedia Commons)
Almost a year after the tragic shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn. a report was released earlier today detailing Adam Lanza’s motives, or rather lack of motives. 

See Also: Sandy Hook Elementary Tear Down Begins

In the 48-page report investigators could not concluded why Lanza had picked Sandy Hook. But they did find that Lanza acted with deliberation despite his mental health issues, making him criminally responsible for his horrific actions. 

“Lanza had significant mental health issues that while not affecting the criminality of the shooter’s mental state for the crimes or his criminal responsibility for them, did affect his ability to live a normal life,” The Los Angeles Times says that the report stated.

Additionally, the report unearthed concerns that Nancy Lanza, the shooter’s mother, expressed just months before her son killed her. The report asserts that she said Lanza had not left the house in the 3 months and only communicated with her by email, even though they lived in the house. 

From The Los Angeles Times

In November 2012, Nancy Lanza sought to buy the shooter another computer or parts for a computer for him to build. She was concerned about him and said that he hadn’t gone anywhere in three months and would communicate with her by email only, though they were living in the same house. At one point, Nancy Lanza also had plans to sell her home in Newtown and move to either Washington state or North Carolina, according to the report. She reportedly had told the shooter of this plan, and he apparently stated that he wanted to move to Washington. The intention was for the shooter to go to a special school in Washington or get a computer job in North Carolina, according to the report.

Lanza’s rampage at Sandy Hook Elementary School last December left 20 first graders and six employees dead. 

Read the full story here. 



Email Danielle Tarasiuk here or follow her on Twitter. 



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