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One World Trade Center Surpasses Willis Tower In Height

Miguel Arreola |
November 12, 2013 | 3:22 p.m. PST

Executive Producer

Sorry, Chicagoans.

The Willis Tower (formerly known as the Sears Tower), which was the United States' largest skyscraper since its completion in 1973, is now officially the second-tallest building in the United States, surpassed by the One World Trade Center in New York. The One World Trade Center, a 104-story masterpiece, is the largest in the United States and the fourth largest building in the world. What other American skyscrapers did the One World Trade Center beat-out in size?

(Shan 213/Creative Commons)
(Shan 213/Creative Commons)
 First, let's look at the One World Trade Center: 

The skyscraper is located on the site of the original 6 World Trade Center towers that were destroyed during the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. Planning for the building began in 2003, but from 2004-2006, the construction was halted. Construction officially began on April 27,2006, and the building was topped out on August 30, 2013.

Let's look at the (former) top 5 largest buildings in the United States:

(Amtrak_Russ/Creative Commons)
(Amtrak_Russ/Creative Commons)
 1. Willis Tower (Sears Tower) in Chicago, Illinois

 Chicago's pride-and-joy, the Willis Tower, was the largest building in the United States and in the world after its completion in 1973. It retained the title of tallest in the world until 1998, when the Petronas Towers were built in Malaysia. Today, the Willis Tower stands as the eleventh-tallest building in the world and the second-tallest in the United States.

(Sweet One/Creative Commons)
(Sweet One/Creative Commons)
 2. Trump International Tower and Hotel in Chicago, Illinois

 This building, completed in 2008, was originally planned to become the world's tallest building. After September 11, 2001, however, Donald Trump, the billionare real estate developer for whom the building is named, decided to revise his plans. The building boasted of the highest residence in the world until being surpassed by the Burj Khalifa, the tallest building in the world, in 2010.

(SimonPix/Creative Commons)
(SimonPix/Creative Commons)

3. Empire State Building in New York, New York

One of the most recognizable buildings in the world, the Empire State Building was completed in 1931 and was the world's tallest building from its completion until 1970, upon the completion of the original World Trade Center buildings. The Empire State Building is one of the most important and iconic buildings in the United States and has even been named one of the Seven Wonders of the Modern World.

(Camknows/Creative Commons)
(Camknows/Creative Commons)
 4. Bank of America Tower in New York, New York

 The Bank of America Tower was completed in 2009 and is considered to be one of the most ecologically friendly buildings in the world. The building insulates heat, maximizes natural light, captures and reuses rainwater and is made largely of recycled materials.

(Randomduck/Creative Commons)
(Randomduck/Creative Commons)
 5. Aon Center in Chicago, Illinois

Formerly known as the Standard Oil Building and Amoco Building, this skyscraper was completed in 1974. The 83-story building is the third largest building in Chicago, sixth largest in the United States and the thirty-seventh largest in the world. When completed, it was the largest marble-clad building in the world, and its design was almost identical to the of the First Canadian Place in Toronto, Canada.

 Reach Executive Producer Miguel Arreola here.



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