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No-Fail Hostess Gifts For Thanksgiving

Gigi Gastevich |
November 21, 2013 | 2:42 p.m. PST

Staff Reporter

Thanksgiving dinner is one of the best things in the world. What's even better? Thanksgiving dinner when someone else cooks for you.

Let's hear it for the hosts and hostesses who give their kitchens, their food, time and love to put together a feast for their friends and family, the ladies and gents who offer their home as a gathering place. They deserve a token of your appreciation, a thank you of the highest level. This year, skip the tired bottle-of-wine-in-a-bag routine and give them something to enjoy once the dishes are all done and the last guest has left. Keep your host or hostess in mind and make it personal and festive.

For the Family with Kids

Screenshot, Polyvore, @geegeegeee.
Screenshot, Polyvore, @geegeegeee.

Gift your favorite Thanksgiving family classic games and activities that are fun for the whole group.

1. Doodles at Dinner placemats, $10.99.

2. Original Table Topics, $25.

3. Scrabble Slam, $7.97.

4. Apples to Apples, $14.77.

5. Popcorn Popper, $19.99 + Popcorn, $13.99 + Elf on DVD, $7.20. 


For the Foodie

Polyvore, @geegeegeee.
Polyvore, @geegeegeee.

Give them an indulgent little something for their post-Thanksgiving meals.

1. Anthropologie Latte Bowls, $30 for six. 

2. Little Flower Cafe Cookbook (from an independent cafe/bakery/candy store in Pasadena), $25.

3. Jonathan Adler "mod dot" mug, $10. (Get two and add a bag of good coffee or hot cocoa mix.)

4. Compartes Peanut Butter+Honey+Sea Salt spread, $9.95.


For the Girl Who Has Everything

Polyvore, @geegeegeee.
Polyvore, @geegeegeee.

Spoil her with an accessory in holiday crimson or gold.

1. Tasha "Put a Ring on It" Head Wrap, $28.

2. Cara Arrow Spring Skinny Cuff, $28.

3. Nordstrom "Touch Tech" cashmere gloves, $38.

4. Anthropologie Golden Harvest Candle, $30.

5. Halogen "Cassie" smartphone wallet, $48.

6. Kate Spade bow push pins, $24.


For Your Boyfriend's Parents

Polyvore, @geegeegeee.
Polyvore, @geegeegeee.

Earn brownie points with the parents by bringing them a classy and stylish gift.

1. Anthropologie herringbone napkins, $32 for six.

2. Nest pumpkin chai candle, $34. 

3. Rifle Paper Co. "Garden" place cards, $7.50 + "Citrus Floral" shopping pad, $9.50.  

4. Anthropologie "Railroad Stripe" soap dish, $8 + L'Occitane "Cinnamon Orange" hand soap, $7. 

5. Paddywax candle set, $23. 


Next Thursday, show some thanks to your Thanksgiving host with a thoughtful treat. The big idea here is to choose something indulgent, even if it's small and inexpensive--something that the host or hostess wouldn't buy for themself. Happy shopping!

Comment below with your own tried and true host/hostess gifts and reach Staff Reporter Gigi Gastevich here.



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