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Meteors Light Up Southern California

Arash Zandi |
November 8, 2013 | 5:04 p.m. PST

Executive Producer

The trail of the meteor that hit Russia in February 2013. (Wikimedia Commons)
The trail of the meteor that hit Russia in February 2013. (Wikimedia Commons)
Southern Californians flooded 9-1-1 call centers Wednesday night with calls about a mysterious, fast-moving streak of light in the sky and wondering if what they saw was a meteor or not, to which meteorologists say maybe. The North American Aerospace Defense Command weather department says the streak of light that caused concern from many was most likely part of a meteor shower. "We've gotten numerous phone calls of people reporting seeing something bright—consistent with a meteor shower—over the eastern desert communities of San Diego," said Lieutenant Michael Munsey of the San Diego Sheriff's Department.

READ MORE: Fireball Sighting In San Francisco As Russia Begins Meteor Explosion Cleanup

There were sightings as far away as Arizona, Utah and Las Vegas, reported CNN affiliate KCBS. Someone even claimed on YouTube that he captured footage of the streak of light. Matthew Isaacs from Mission Viejo said that he was driving when he saw the flash of light. "I saw this big, greenish flash like, light up the sky. It was headed pretty sideways from like, east to west. I thought, 'Is that a firework?' And then I realized, that couldn't be that big. It's just in the middle of nowhere in a totally dark area where there's no houses or anything where anyone would shoot fireworks. I thought, 'Man, it must have been a meteor,'" he told KCBS. The light most likely originated from South Taurids meteor showers, which the American Meteor Society says are the most visible in the first half of November.

Read more about the meteor shower at the Los Angeles Times.


Reach Executive Producer Arash Zandi here. Follow him on Twitter here.



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