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Marvel Comics To Present Female Muslim Hero

Rachel Scott |
November 10, 2013 | 8:44 a.m. PST

Executive Producer

Marvel Heroes, Flickr
Marvel Heroes, Flickr
Take a step back Spiderman, Marvel Comics is introducing a new 16-year-old Muslim American superhero, named Kamala Khan.

Kamala Khan will be the new Ms. Marvel when she makes her debut in January. The Marvel Comic character lives with her Pakistani parents and brother in New Jersey and was created to reflect the diversity of the comic book’s readers.

“It is so important that we tell stories that reflect the ever-changing world that we live in and being a Muslim American is so much a apart of that,” Sana Amanat, the series editor said.

 “We are always trying to upend expectations to an extent but our point is to always reflect the world outside our window, and we are looking at more windows right now,” she continued.

According to the Deaccan Chronicle, Khan’s character’s superhuman power will be the ability to extend her arms and legs and change her shape.

Khan will experience the trails and confusion of a usual teenager.

“It’s for all the geek girls out there, and everybody else who’s ever looked at life on the fringe,” Writer G. Willow Wilson said.

The new Marvel character is expected to start appearing in the monthly series starting February 6th.

Read the full story here.

Reach Executive Producer Rachel Scott here.



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