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Lance Armstrong Reaches $3 Million Settlement

Eric Parra |
November 20, 2013 | 4:40 p.m. PST

Executive Producer

Lance Armstrong (wikimedia/ creative commons)
Lance Armstrong (wikimedia/ creative commons)
Lance Armstrong has been under scrutiny for taking performance enhancing drugs ever since his Tour de France victory, but after finally coming clean, the penalties have started to settle.

Acceptance Insurance, a company based in Nebraska, has sued Armstrong for more than $3 million that they paid him for winning the Tour back in 1999 through 2001. 

From USA Today

“In September, an attorney for Acceptance, Mark Kincaid, wrote in court filings that Armstrong's team engaged in a "lengthy string of delays, unanswered calls, unheeded requests, and general foot-dragging so that Armstrong's counsel have not provided a reasonable alternate date" to schedule the deposition. Last month, they finally agreed upon a date (Nov. 21), now canceled with the settlement.”

While the $3 million settlements have been resolved as of Wednesday, Attorneys from both sides would not disclose any details, but did agree that both parties have been mutually satisfied.

SEE ALSO: Lance Armstrong To Be Sued For $12 Million

From here, Armstrong will continue struggling with legal battles, his next being a $12 million lawsuit from a Dallas based company that focused on his promotions. It continues with possible fines up to an excess of around $100 million.

Read more here.


Reach Executive Producer Eric Parra here.



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