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'Grey's Anatomy' Recap: Two Against One

Briana Dixon |
November 7, 2013 | 11:45 p.m. PST

Staff Reporter

Another crazy night for "Grey's" fans! Can Cristina and Meredith ever recover from their ugly and awkward friendship lately? Also, what the heck is going on with Bailey? Let's recap now!

WHAT IS ARIZONA DOING?: Calzona fans, unfortunately right now there's just more bad news when it comes to Arizona and Callie. Just when we think there might be some type of amazing makeup between the two, this Leah relationship with Arizona is not going away, contrary to what most of thought. Throughout the episode Arizona seems down about her rough relationship with her "ex", but then at the end, we see her get right back in that shower with Leah! What's going to happen to Calzona? We'll have to keep watching for this one.

Richard Returns: FINALLY, Dr. Webber seems to really come back to life after the miserable and depressing few episodes he's been in his hospital bed, feeling sorry for himself and not wanting to go on. When a fellow patient in the room next to him collapses outside his room, Dr. Webber hops up and goes back to full Chief mode - and man have we missed him. While he's not 100% yet, Webber tells April that he's ready to get back to "the old me". April looks nervous and upset when he says this. Could there be some more bad news heading Webber's way?

Best Friends No More?: We've seen Cristina and Meredith fighting for a few weeks now, and things aren't looking any better. This week, Meredith makes an advancement in her research, creating 3-D printing a useful tool in the medical world. Many don't feel it's that impressive, since she uses a fork as her example in the reveal to the rest of the doctors. While Ross and Cristina work on a heart patient, they realize that Meredith's machine could help them print out a 3-D "model" heart to place in the boy's heart as a test to see if the body will reject it. As smart as Yang is, she refuses Ross when he pushes her to use the machine. Cristina knows that stopping Meredith's research to use the machine to save a patient is the right move, but her personal problem with Meredith makes it awkward for her, and she refuses to budge. She finally takes it upon herself to ask Meredith, and when she snaps back at Cristina, Yang takes matters into her own hands and asks the board for use of the machine, and her wish is granted. At the end of the episode, Meredith goes in to check on her research and sees Cristina and Ross working on printing a heart. OUCH. Here's to hoping Mer and Cristina can figure it out soon.

Bailey, Are You There? Something is seriously, seriously wrong with Bailey, and it doesn't take fans to see what's wrong with her early on in the episode. It seems that Bailey has OCD. Crazy behavior, having to wash extra, run extra tests on patients and in the OR - Bailey is in bad shape. Good thing that Tuck is home to catch that Bailey is not okay. Hopefully Tuck has caught it early, and can get Bailey back to health. Stay strong, girl!

The drama continues with "Grey's Anatomy", be sure to watch the promo below and stay tuned for next week!

"Grey's Anatomy" premieres at 9pm, Thursdays on ABC.

Reach reporter Briana Dixon here. Follow her on Twitter here



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