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Chris Christie Wins Re-Election In New Jersey

Jacqueline Jackson |
November 5, 2013 | 6:32 p.m. PST

Managing Editor

Gov. Chris Christie | Wikipedia Commons
Gov. Chris Christie | Wikipedia Commons
After months of campaigning New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie was re-elected Tuesday over Democratic running mate Barbara Buono.

The governor has fueled talk of a 2016 presidential campaign run and with his win Tuesday night it is clear that Christie has many voters behind his second term and reason for the presidential conversation to continue.

According to the LA Times Christie's New Jersey win is enough to keep the conversation going but voters  pay attention to key social issues in national elections in which his conservative views could prevent his growth.

The election in New Jersey was one of many throughout the nation on Tuesday. Winners for New York, Virginia and other cities have yet to be announced.

[UPDATE] 7:10PM Terry McAuliffe won the Virginia Governor's race.

Reach Managing Editor Jacqueline Jackson here. Follow her here.



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