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The Game Is Never Over... 'Saw' Is Back

Vanessa Wilkins |
November 19, 2013 | 8:19 p.m. PST

Staff Reporter

Are you ready to resume the game with Jigsaw? (Lionsgate)
Are you ready to resume the game with Jigsaw? (Lionsgate)
There have been speculations for a while, and Lionsgate has finally confirmed the rumors. “Saw,” the horror franchise that dominated the scary movie scene for nearly a decade is coming out with another movie, the eighth of the series. 

Bloody Disgusting reports that while nothing is official on paper, Lionsgate is “incredibly active in developing an eighth ‘Saw,’” the newest addition to the franchise since “Saw 3D” in 2010. 

The concept of the eighth saw has not been finalized, as Lionsgate is determining what path to take the new film on. There are rumors of a remake, as well as a continuation of the series that would take the franchise into an entirely new direction. The last "Saw" movie seemed to tie up loose ends and wrap up the original story line, so who knows what the new movie will have in store for viewers. 

The prospect of an eighth addition to the "Saw" franchise has drawn both praise and criticism. While some are overjoyed about the return of Jigsaw and Co., others think that seven films is enough, and don't want to see the series dragged out any longer. 

Either way, fans and critics are both buzzing about the upcoming "Saw" production, and are looking forward to hearing more information about the reboot as things start being finalized.

Have you seen the “Saw” movies? And if so, are you excited for its return? Or are you done with this horror movie franchise? Let us know!

READ MORE: Top 10 Scariest Moments In Film

Reach Staff Reporter Vanessa Wilkins here.



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