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Frito-Lay Unveils New Milk Chocolate-Covered Potato Chips

Samantha Jacobs |
November 6, 2013 | 5:22 p.m. PST

Staff Reporter

Wavy Potato Chips Dipped in Milk Chocolate (Photo Courtesy of Frito-Lays).
Wavy Potato Chips Dipped in Milk Chocolate (Photo Courtesy of Frito-Lays).
Is there any food in this world that cannot be improved by covering it in chocolate? Fruit tastes delicious with chocolate, nuts are great with a chocolate coating and even other chocolate tastes better with a chocolate layering.

Now, Frito-Lay is joining in on the chocolate phenomenon and releasing a new chocolate dipped potato chip.

This new and tasty treat will be called "Wavy Potato Chips Dipped in Milk Chocolate," and will debut this week. Lay's has announced that this product will initially only be a limited-time offer to be available just during this holiday season, and only sold at Target. But if the product proves successful, this new flavor may stick around for the long haul. Additionally, these chips will be sold in 5-ounce bags and sold for $3.49. 

This milk-chocolatey chip could be the gateway for a myriad of different chocolate and chip combinations. There could be dark chocolate, white chocolate and peppermint chocolate chips ... the list goes on. This new innovative snack could revolutionize the chip industry.

Last year, Pringles did release a version of their chip that was "White Chocolate Peppermint" flavored, as well as "Pumpkin Pie Spice" and "Cinnamon and Sugar" editions. Neither of these flavors was particularly successful in the fiscal or the flavor department. Maybe Lay's, which is the world’s largest snack producer, will be the company to really break through with their ultimate blend of a salty and sweet snack.

Other companies, in addition to Pringles, have been venturing into the land of chocolate and chips. Kettle came out with a "Maple Bacon" potato chip flavor, Planter’s made a "Sweet & Salty Snack Mix" and there are now "Sweet & Salty Caramel Bugles."

This new product isn’t the first innovative experiment for Frito-Lay. The company features a variety of unique chip flavors including as "Cheesy Garlic Bread," "Dill Pickle," "Pizza" and a many, many more.

Reach Staff Reporter Samantha Jacobs hereFollow her on Twitter here.



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