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Snow White And Prince Charming Are Engaged...Sort Of

Christianna Wiggins |
October 11, 2013 | 12:26 p.m. PDT

Staff Reporter

Ginnifer Goodwin and fiancé Josh Dallas (@galaxiemag)
Ginnifer Goodwin and fiancé Josh Dallas (@galaxiemag)
"Once Upon a Time" stars Ginnifer Goodwin and Josh Dallas have just announced their official engagement! Dallas, 31, and his fiancé, 35, reportedly started dating in March 2012 after meeting through the show, where Goodwin plays Snow White and Dallas plays Prince Charming. 

Friends of the fairytale duo told E! News that the costars hit it off immediately. However, Dallas was married to actress Lara Pulver at the time, and Goodwin had just broken off her engagement with Joey Kern only a few months prior to meeting her new fiancé. 

After two tumultuous relationships, it seems that both Goodwin and Dallas have finally found happiness together. In a statement to People magazine the couple said "We are so thrilled to announce our engagement and can't wait to celebrate with our family, including our second family at 'Once Upon a Time'". 

It would appear that in this case, fairytales really do come true!

Check out the couple in action below: 

Reach Staff Reporter Christianna Wiggins here



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