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SKATERS Roll On To Indie Scene With 'Fancy Punk'

Christina Savan |
October 8, 2013 | 3:56 p.m. PDT

Staff Reporter

Twitter (@skatersnyc)
Twitter (@skatersnyc)
SKATERS are ready to roll on to the indie scene with an eclectic mix of 20th century sounds. The band’s lead singer, Michael Ian Cummings, describes his group’s sound as “fancy punk.” Just in case you’re wondering what the unconventional genre sounds like, the band blends 808 drums, synths, and driving guitars reminiscent of The Ramones on to a lo-fi palette that features reverbed vocals. In the spectrum of indie music, which seems to evade genre-based stereotypes, SKATERS would lie somewhere at the intersection of The Strokes and Vampire Weekend. 

SEE ALSO: Warner Bros. Records Band On The Rise

SKATERS’ lyrics are simple yet carry the listener through the song. If Vampire Weekend has the sound of an Ivy League college student, Skaters were their cousins who decided to do their learning on the gritty streets of New York. That grittiness comes through in their videos as well, which favor provocative sub-cultural visuals. 

The band is backed by Warner Bros. Records, which has had recent success with Atlas Genius and Tegan & Sara. With an appealing indie sound and catchy choruses, SKATERS’ trajectory looks to be headed in the same direction. You can catch the band at the El Rey Theater on October 19th, their last North American date before touring in England.  

After giving their hit single “I Wanna Dance (But I Don't Know How)” a listen, don’t be surprised if you find yourself singing the catchy feel-good song all day long.   

Reach Staff Reporter Christina Savan here. Like Staff Reporter Christina's Facebook page. 



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