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Transportation Issues Concern Los Angeles Resident

Kaitlyn Mullin |
October 10, 2013 | 1:33 p.m. PDT


Sheila Nash (Photo by Kaitlyn Mullin
Sheila Nash (Photo by Kaitlyn Mullin

Name: Sheila Nash

Location: City of Los Angeles

Occupation: Senior Librarian of Art, Music, Recreation and Rare Books at the Los Angeles Public Library Central Branch

Age: 61

What are the top issues facing Los Angeles?

Traffic—basically that includes the ability to get places. With that, I think we’d sort of sort things out. I do think violence is an issue, but I think that’s a larger issue in society, and not just Los Angeles. And, education is another big issue.

What could Mayor Garcetti do to address your top priorities?

He should have more meetings with the public and go to the councils to find out what their concerns are. [He should] study what people’s concerns really are and deal with them on a more local level, a community level. Keeping in touch with the public should be a priority.

[He should] work with the city workers that do that job and talk to them because they’re the experts.

Did you vote in the May election? Who did you support?

I voted in the election for [Wendy] Greuel.

You mentioned that traffic is a big issue for you. Could you elaborate on that a bit more? How does it affect you?

I still hope I can get to other places I like to go to. Now, there’s very few times of the day I would go to west Los Angeles. There’s no point in taking an hour and a half to go ten miles.

I think about what it does compared to when I was younger; it changes the whole landscape of Los Angeles.

I think we’re going to become more local-oriented so that you have to be able to get any conveniences that you need in every single area. Trying to travel to the restaurant you want to go to, or to the tailor that you used to go to, to any sort of service is almost impossible at various times of the day.

It’s changing things so that we need to probably build up rather than out and it’s going to change things tremendously, a lot for the good, but that’s why I think we need better public transportation.

Reach Contributor Kaitlyn Mullin here.



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