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Pentagon Civilian Workers Called Back

Anne Artley |
October 6, 2013 | 2:38 p.m. PDT

Executive Producer


(Wikimedia Commons)
(Wikimedia Commons)
Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel called back the Pentagon’s civilian employees, about 400,000, based on a decision by the organizations’ attorneys.


The lawyers concluded that a law called Pay Our Military Act allows the Department of Defense to get rid of furloughs for employees whose duties boost the morale and affect the job performance of service members.


Congress agreed with the lawyers’ interpretation and President Obama backed the decision as well.


The Pay Our Military Act also ensures that members of the military are paid on time as the continue to go to work after October 1.


Congress also granted Hagel the authority to pay the Pentagon’s civilian employees during the shutdown. 



Reach Executive Producer Anne Artley here



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