Obama Unaware Of Website Glitches Before Launch
CNN Senior Medical Correspondent, Elizabeth Cohen, documented her nearly two-week attempt at enrolling in Obamacare, starting from day one. She even set an alarm for 3 a.m. to try creating an account and enrolling during off-hours, but to no avail. By day 14 she finally met success.
Throughout the rollout of this new website White House officials insisted that the president was continually updated on the status of the site. However, now Health and Human Services Secretary, Kathleen Sebelius claims that Obama did not know of the problems with the website until days into the launch; Not even days before when it had crashed during a test run.
Sebelius told CNN that she believes the volume of users "caused some issues to come up and exposed some additional problems" that they are now working to fix. Nearly 20 million people came to the Obamacare website within the first three weeks of its launch, however only 500,000 created accounts. The number of people who have successfully enrolled in an insurance plan has not been released by her department.
The signs that problems would emerge with the site were seen early on. Days before the launch the website crashed during a test run when just a few hundred users were on it, however waiting was not an option according to Sebelius.
"There are people in this country who have waited for decades for affordable health coverage for themselves and their families," she said.
The prior knowledge of the glitches with the site have republicans wondering how the president remained unaware of these problems when the Obamacare rollout was one of his "top priorities." According to a CNN report, a Senate GOP leadership aide said, "Everyone was surprised by [Sebelius'] statement that the President was unaware of the website's failures until a few days into it." He wonders how and why White House officials allowed him to make his speech about how great the site was on the first day when they encountered so many immediate problems.
Now, three weeks after the launch of the website that has caused so much drama, the White House is bringing in experts to help smooth out the glitches. As for who will be punished for these problems, The Los Angeles Times reported that Sebelius has avoided making any statement about whether or not she will resign over the trouble.
Contact Executive Producer Kaysie Ellingson here.