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Kennedy's Brother May Have Stolen His Brain

Anne Artley |
October 20, 2013 | 4:10 p.m. PDT

Executive Producer


(Wikimedia Commons)
(Wikimedia Commons)
Robert Kennedy may have stolen his brother’s brain to conceal the number of medications he was taking, author claims.


After the president’s death, his brain was placed in a container and stored in a locker in the National Archives, according to James Swanson in his “End of Days: the Assassination of John F. Kennedy.”


In 1966, it was discovered that the brain and tissue slides from the autopsy were missing.  Attorney General Ramsey Clark ordered an investigation where he found evidence that Robert Kennedy had taken the locker.


A conspiracy theory claims that he stole it so nobody would find out that Kennedy was shot from the front rather than the back, which is the official record of his cause of death. But Swanson said he believes it was more of an act of solidarity. 


Reach Executive Producer Anne Artley here




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