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Neon Tommy - Annenberg digital news

Gunmen Opens Fire At A Coptic Wedding In Egypt

Rachel Scott |
October 21, 2013 | 11:52 a.m. PDT

Executive Producer

Snapshot from Youtube
Snapshot from Youtube
At least four Egyptians were shot dead on Sunday after leaving a Coptic Christian wedding at the Orthodox Church of the Virgin Mary in Cairo. The victims killed were all members of the same family, the Telegraph reports. Among those killed were two girl cousins aged eight and twelve as well as two adults. At least nineteen others were reportedly injured.

After open firing on the church, the gunmen fled the scene on motorcycles, witnesses say. Two of the victims were killed immediately. The two girls, Mariam Ashraf Seha and Mariam Nabeel were pronounced dead later at the hospital.

Mariam Sheha’s mother, Malkyan was among those who were critically injured and is now suffering from a bullet wound to her head. Her father, Ashraf Masiha described what the scene to local reporters stating, “I heard the gunfire and found my wife and daughter on the ground mired in blood. I used to take her to school every day. Her smile will never leave me, throughout my life”.

Funerals for all of the victims were held Monday afternoon at the church. The attack has been  condemned by the Muslim Brotherhood, Islamist groups and the Grand Sheikh, Ahmed al-Tayeb.

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