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Chicken Nuggets Exposed: Organs, Cartilage, And Bones, Oh My!

Niki Hashemi |
October 6, 2013 | 5:07 p.m. PDT

Staff Reporter

They're yummy. But are they worth it? (foodmatters.tv)
They're yummy. But are they worth it? (foodmatters.tv)

Convenience and affordability drive billions of people to fast food restaurants worldwide. However, people are beginning to realize that the practicality of these chains may come at serious health detriments. After the pink slime scandal erupted in March 2012, more studies have been done on the meat contents in fast food restaurants.

Researchers in Jackson, Mississippi were especially determined to uncover the ingredients in chicken nuggets. They ordered chicken nuggets from two national fast food chains in Jackson and took the samples to a lab.

After examining the nuggets under a microscope, they concluded that the chicken nuggets were only about 50 percent chicken meat. The rest of the nugget contained a mixture of fat, blood vessels, nerves, skin, internal organs, cartilage and bone from the chicken. The researchers published their findings in The American Journal of Medicine.

The study's conclusion's resulted in conflicting viewpoints.

Dr. Richard D. deShazo, lead author of the University of Mississippi Medical Center, told Reuters Health, "What has happened is that some companies have chosen to use an artificial mixture of chicken parts, rather than low-fat chicken white meat, batter it up and fry it and still call it chicken.” DeShazo said that it is really just a "chicken by-product high in calories, salt, sugar and fat that is a very unhealthy choice. Even worse, it tastes great and kids love it and it is marketed to them."

Ashley Peterson, Vice President of scientific and regulatory affairs of the National Chicken Council (NCC), argued that the study evaluates only two chicken nugget samples out of the billions of chicken nuggets that are made every year. She told Reuters Health, "Chicken nuggets tend to have an elevated fat content because they are breaded and fried. But it's no secret what is in a chicken nugget---most quick-service restaurants have nutritional information posted in the store or on their website."

Despite these shocking discoveries, many Americans still love the taste of chicken nuggets and continue to eat them. If you just can't give them up and are looking to enjoy some classic, affordable chicken nuggets without all the organ parts and bones, try this healthy homemade recipe.


1/2 lb lean chicken breast

Two eggs

1 cup bread crumbs (Progresso’s Italian Style Bread Crumbs work well)

1 tbsp vegetable oil


1. Take your eggs and beat them together in a bowl.

2. Soak chicken breasts in the eggs.

3. Remove chicken breasts and cover with bread crumbs.

4. Once your chicken breasts are ready, pour a little vegetable oil into a pan on the stove and cook the chicken breasts for 8-10 mins.

Voila! Your own chicken nuggets, sans the pink slime and cartilage.

Reach Staff Reporter Niki Hashemi here or follow her on Twitter.



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