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Channing Tatum May Star In Gay Rom-Com

Alex Reed |
October 11, 2013 | 12:03 p.m. PDT

Staff Reporter

(Facebook, Channing Tatum)
(Facebook, Channing Tatum)
Channing Tatum may possibly star in a new romantic comedy, alongside John Milhiser, one of the newest cast members of “Saturday Night Live,” as his love interest.

Yes, you read that correctly.

The two would play a same-sex couple in director Paul Feig’s upcoming romantic comedy. At a DVD release party for his film, “the Heat,” Feig said that the film would be about Milhiser’s character dating the ridiculously attractive Tatum. Insecurity will take over, as it so often does, and drama (and surely some laughs) will ensue. Nothing is set in stone, but Feig would ideally have Tatum star in the film.

According to Cinema Blend, Feig hopes this film “will turn the genre on its head.”

And apparently, it’s a trend. Tatum’s “Magic Mike” co-star Alex Pettyfer has signed on to star in director Lee Daniels’ upcoming "interracial love affair action movie,” featuring a same-sex relationship, reported E! Online.

I, for one, could not be more excited for this change of pace. I love a good romantic comedy as much as the next person, but the traditional boy-meets-girl plotline is getting stale. 

Though very little is known about either untitled film, the directors and actors tied to the projects should tell you that they are worth keeping an eye out for.

But until then, here is Channing Tatum and Alex Pettyfer during their “Magic Mike” days:

Reach Staff Reporter Alex Reed here.



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